
Work package 3

Project components and their interpendencies


Framework UrbanSimE


Theoretical developments

  Leading institution:
The work package focuses on a number of improvements we will add to the existing modules on which UrbanSim is based. In particular, we consider the following directions for developing economic models that relax restrictive assumptions in the current versions of UrbanSim: ENS
3.1. real estate investments; ENS
3.2. location and real estate decisions within couples; ENS
3.3. equilibrium; KUL
3.4. stake holders in real estate; ETHZ
3.5. firmographics. UCP

The existing version of UrbanSim is based on a micro-simulation methodology using the individual households and businesses or jobs as the relevant agents. The evolution of households, jobs and activity densities is captured by different types of adjustment processes characterized by specific relaxation time. These processes will be studied in task 3.3. The industrial structure of the housing market, which is the outcome of the decisions of stake holders characterized by different structure and sizes will be examined in task 3.4. In WP 4, we discuss the demography of households; similarly, in task 3.5, we will analyse the death, birth, location, growth and down-sizing of firms. The optimization process of individuals and of households with respect to their residential location, joint with purchase/renting decision will be analysed in tasks 3.1 and 3.2.


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